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Wild Kitchen Zebra Apron

Wild Kitchen Zebra Apron

by Colette George

Requiring only four items, this fashion spray paint project, Wild Kitchen Zebra Apron, will surely set your next party’s mood as one of fun and games.

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2 ½ hours
  1. Lay apron onto spray paint surface
  2. Begin ripping tape into irregular strips (with no straight edges remaining)
  3. Place tape strips onto apron, running from top to bottom and at slight angles (do this all over; the more the better)
  4. Press each strip down well
  5. Add more tape strips over other taped portions to widen and angle some lines (these taped portions will be white when finished)
  6. Fill the fabric spray paint surface so that generally ½ of the surface is taped
  7. Go back over all tape strips, firmly pressing every edge laying on white fabric (rubbing very well will ensure a great end result)
  8. In a well-ventilated area, spray Krylon Gloss Black ColorMaster over entire apron
  9. Spray 3-4 thin to medium coats

Wild Kitchen Zebra Apron was designed by Colette George.

Inspire your wardrobe and home fabrics by viewing more Fabrics, Fashion & Accessories spray paint projects from Krylon.

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