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Vintage Vanity

Vintage Vanity

by Vicki O’Dell

  • 1
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  • 5
6 hours
  • Krylon® ColorMaster Enamel
    • Dover White #53555
    • Avocado #52002
    • Leather Brown #52501
    • Coral Isle #51315
  • Protective gloves and eye wear
  • Newspaper to protect work surface & for masking
  • Vacuum cleaner and/or Tack cloth
  • Painters tape
  • Sand paper - fine grit
  1. Protect the work surface with newspaper.
  2. Remove drawer pull.
  3. Lightly sand all wooden surfaces.
  4. Remove all dust with a vacuum followed by a tack cloth.
  5. Carefully tape off any decorative trim that will not be painted.
  6. Paint all surfaces with primer.
  7. Once dry, clean with tack cloth again.
  8. Paint following instructions on the can with the Avocado over the entire surface of the vanity. Let dry.
  9. Place the vanity upside down on a low table and tape off the underside and very top of the legs to avoid getting over spray on areas that need to remain Avocado.
  10. Carefully spray the legs of the vanity with Leather Brown starting from the very bottom of the legs and going down while pulling the can farther away from the surface to allow a "feathering" of the colors. Let dry.
  11. Remove the masking and turn the vanity right side up.
  12. Mask off the top of the vanity and the legs to avoid overspray.
  13. Using the same technique as on the legs, spray the very top of the vanity mirror with Dover White, pulling the can away from the surface where color will feather into the Avocado. Let dry.
  14. Paint the drawer pull.
  15. Re-attach the drawer pull.

Designer’s Tip:

Let cure for 24-72 hours before excessive handling.

Vintage Vanity was designed by Vicki O’Dell.

Learn additional ways to give your furniture an inexpensive and stylish makeover by exploring more Furniture spray paint projects from Krylon.

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